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Bible month


Bible Month June 2017

James in June... A month with James... James a letter forever

We have been preparing for Bible Month since the end of 2016 and June is almost here.
This shows what is available to you in NYDC if you want to explore the challenging letter written by James to the church 2000 years ago that still has a relevance to Christians today.

Church Services
In NYDC we will run with James from Sun 11 through to 29 June.
Gayle, West Burton, Richmond, Brompton-on-Swale and Hunton have all offered to host services on the theme of James.
Several Local Preachers have offered to work with James throughout the month. Sometimes it is has not been possible to match preacher availability and chapels; so, we have asked that preachers who have not offered to be involved to honour chapel wishes; this has been left to their discretion.

Small Groups
The Christians Together in Swaledale Bible Study group starts 27 April and usually meets every fortnight Thursdays at 2.30pm in Low Row URC. All are welcome.

West Burton Methodists are studying James on a Thursday evening at 7.30pm in the chapel schoolroom:
1 June – James 1
8 June – James 2
15 June – James 3:1-4:12
22 June – James 4:13-5:20

When words are not enough
Creative Workshops
Faithworks... James... a letter forever
Tue & Wed 20 & 21 June 10am-4pm Richmond Methodist
Sat 24 June 10am-4pm Gunnerside Methodist
The workshops will provide space and time to reflect and respond in a creative and imaginative way to specific verses, certain passages or the letter as a whole. There will be something to prompt you if you want to take advantage of that facility.

If you are running something that isn't mentioned here please let us know.

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