Someone said that the only thing that doesn't change is the fact that things change; progressing involves remembering people and learning lessons from the past to inform the future. So it was that with the words "remember the former things" and "remember not the former things" from the book of Isaiah that Rev David and Rev Kathleen Wood led Reeth Methodist Community at the final service in the building that has been home since 1797.
David and Kathleen reminded us that they have always felt at home with the people of Reeth Methodist and that the closure of the building is a sad moment for those who experienced significant events held there; and these were remembered in the first part of the service.
Members of the church offered prayers and chose the hymns that included 'Love divine all loves excelling' and 'The Lord's my shepherd' with the chorus of "I will trust in you alone"; allowing all present to re-affirm their faith and their confidence that "...your goodness will lead me home."
The all but full church heard David Wood say that "God has not finished with you yet". God was present in Reeth before the building was there and will be for the future. One door may be closing and others will open.
The service closed with Kathleen sharing the Celtic blessing:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
The journey of faith is just that, a journey, from one place to another, like the apostles in the Bible story meeting in their houses and John Wesley travelling the country to share his message, so the community that met in the building, mainly hidden at the top of Reeth green, will continue their journey sharing their love with those they meet along the way.
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